A Blog On Payment Technology

It Is There For A Reason

Copyrighted Material and AI Training

With a portion of cutting-edge AI research happening in Israel, the Israeli Ministry of Justice has decided to reduce uncertainty for startups, mature companies, and the government by doing something it rarely does: issuing a proactive legal opinion on the use of copyrighted material (the document is in Hebrew, but there is an English summary).

The Payments Book


The book covers card tech basics, such as magnetic stripe structure or key ISO-8583 data elements, as well as more advanced protocols such as EMV and 3D Secure. 

I wrote it because we had to train our team for the industry, and there was no concise source of knowledge in the field of acquiring. 

It is a great starting point for a newcomer to card payments, especially for developers, quality assurance engineers, and system implementors.

Learn more here.

The Crypto Book

Cryptography for Payment Professionals

Cryptography for Payment Professionals is intended for technical people, preferably with some background in software engineering, who may need to deal with a cryptographic algorithm in the payments realm. It does not cover the payment technology in-depth, nor does it provide more than a brief overview of some regulations and security standards. Instead, it focuses on the cryptographic aspects of each field it mentions. Highlights include:

  • Major cryptographic algorithms and the principles of their operation
  • Cryptographic aspects of card-present (e.g., magnetic stripe, EMV) and online (e.g., e-Commerce and 3DS 2.0) transactions
  • A detailed description of TDES DUKPT and AES DUKPT protocols, as well as an example implementation and test cases for both

More About The Acquiring Book

This book delves into the essential concepts and technologies of acquiring systems. It fills the gap left by manuals and standards and provides practical knowledge and insight that allow engineers to navigate systems as well as the massive tomes containing standards and manuals.

Dedicated to card acquiring exclusively, the book covers:

  • Payment cards and protocols
  • EMV contact chip and contactless transactions
  • Disputes, arbitration, and compliance
  • Data security standards in the payment card industry
  • Validation algorithms
  • Code tables
  • Basic cryptography
  • Pin block formats and algorithms


When necessary the book discusses issuer-side features or standards insomuch as they are required for the sake of completeness. For example, protocols such as EMV 3-D Secure are not covered to the last exhaustive detail. Instead, this book provides an overview, justification, and logic behind each message of the protocol and leaves the task of listing all fields and their formats to the standard document itself. The chapter on EMV contact transactions is comprehensive to fully explain this complex topic in order to provide a basis for understanding EMV contactless transaction.

A guide to behind-the-scenes business processes, relevant industry standards, best practices, and cryptographic algorithms, Acquiring Card Payments covers the essentials so readers can master the standards and latest developments of card payment systems and technology.

About Me

Ilya Dubinsky

Having 25 years of experience in the IT industry, I work as the VP of the CTO Office in Finaro, an acquiring bank in the EU.

I define the company’s technological roadmap, manage its IP portfolio, and oversee our cooperation with academic institutions. In addition, I lead in-house technology research in cryptography, blockchain, and AI.
